Tag: palm frond and various other tree banches

649_1983_vw1_RAW, 7/9/03, 3:19 PM,  8C, 6000x8000 (0+0), 100%, chrome 7 stops,  1/12 s, R80.8, G59.6, B67.4
HMI's  ISO 397  f16  210mm
Photo:  JW
Art, Art Gallery, Art Shows

The Museum of Modern Art in collaboration with the Musée national Picasso-Paris present PICASSO SCULPTURE

PICASSO SCULPTURE Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Picasso Sculpture is a sweeping survey of Pablo Picasso’s profoundly innovative and influential work in three dimensions. The largest museum exhibition of Picasso’s sculptures to take place in the United States in nearly half a century, the exhibition brings together 140 sculptures from Picasso’s […]